Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Gowns, make-up and spermatazoa

Quick post since I've got to get ready for tap class. Firstly, the bridesmaids gowns are finally sorted; they have been re-ordered all in the same style (Dessy 2804), even the junior BMs. It will be nice to have the continuity of same styles, and y'know, matching colours are always good too. Hopefully they wont need too many alterations, and I really hope these won't be too expensive either.

I had my make-up trial on Saturday and I was happy with the result. I was wearing it from around 11am through til when I got home from my cousin's wedding at 12am, and it still looked okay then, so it lasted pretty well. My hair meeting last week was brief, but we sorted out the basics and I'm to go back for a trim on Nov 29th. Plus I have been instructed to start growing out my fringe, which I am really not looking forward to!

Finally, on the fertility front, my poor man had his semen analysis last week, and no sperm were found under microscope. :( I was very sad to discover this, even though I half expected it. Now I am hanging out for our follow up appointment with our fertility specialist, as she made me feel so happy and positive about the whole process last time that I need to be inspired by her again. We have five straws of his semen from several years ago to be transferred across from his old clinic, however I'm not holding out a lot of hope for using these in IVF as freezing sperm can cause DNA fragmentation which means they are incabable of effective fertilisation. I am feeling better now though than I was after the news on Friday. Assisted conception is a sucky journey, but there are many avenues to explore before the bitter end.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Back again already...

... but a couple of wedding-y things happened today. Firstly we went to our second meeting with our celebrant, which turned into my poor man suffering through an hour and a half of me and her gas-bagging about weddings and life in general. But she is totally awesome and I can't wait for our ceremony now; it will be straightforward and simple with nothing particularly original or any extras, but I am still excited. I asked her if we could please try and keep it light rather than overly romantic, as I have a massive fear of crying during the ceremony; I really really don't want to cry cause I'll be embarrassed and self-conscious. I don't care if people expect it!

Secondly, we went to Solid Gold this afternoon as we had to go into the city, and we ordered our wedding rings. The engraving we have decided upon is both romantic and geeky; the word "Soulbound". It is geeky because when you get an item in World of Warcraft that you can't trade or sell, it is referred to as Soulbound, hehe. I am having "Soulbound ~ 14/04/12" on the inside of my ring, and my fiance will be having the date and maybe our names inside his, and the "soulbound" is going to be engraved on the outside in Elven font (Lord of the Rings). His last wedding ring had an Elven wedding verse engraved upon it, and he still likes the design but for obvious reasons doesn't want to replicate the ring exactly. He still needs to email them to finalise exactly what the engraving will look like apparently.

That's it for now. Two updates in two days, some sort of record. :) There probably won't be another one until after my hair and make-up meetings.