Thursday, 6 September 2012

Been slack!

It's funny how last time I went through ICSI I was on here all the time talking about every single bloody little thing that was happening. This time I don't feel the need, as I know the routine and I'm just getting on with it. But then I realised that if I do beat the extremely low odds and have sucess this time, I'll feel guilty for not documenting things, so I thought I'd do a little update today.

So.. had my transfer last Saturday, and then late that afternoon I flew back home to Brisbane, very fortunate in that the previous day Alan had managed to change my flight from its original booking on Tuesday. Since I got home I've been taking it very easy, only leaving the apartment on three occasions (and one of them was just to take the rubbish downstairs!). The third occasion was this morning, as I needed to go to a pathology collection centre for my 7 DPO blood test, which is where they check to make sure my progesterone is high enough to sustain a pregnancy. I won't be able to call for the results until tomorrow, as they have to be processed here then faxed over to Fertility North.

Hope for success is still laughable, but there is a microscopic thread of it I suppose. Today is the day that, if he has miraculously continued to grow and develop, Horatio would be implanting. I woke up this morning with slight jabby feelings in my uterus and ovaries, and when I gently poked at my uterus it felt a tad firm and swollen. But I am on a drug called Progynova which is meant to help increase uterinal lining, so it could be because of that.

Alan and I have both lost a grandparent each in the last week or so. His grandmother in England died very very quickly after being diagnosed with spinal cancer in late August. Then only a week or two later, my own dear Pop finally succumbed to Alzheimer's and Dementia. His funeral is today in NSW, in about 15 minutes actually.. I can't be there as I had my blood test today and I'm meant to be resting as much as possible, but I am thinking of my Nanna and my Mum and everyone in the family.

Even though it's terribly fanciful, I can't help but think that if Horatio does turn into a baby, it would be awfully fitting, as he now has two great-grandparents who need "replacing" on this earth...

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