Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Post-scan update

I had my first (and for this cycle, only! woo hoo!) scan yesterday morning. Things are looking about the same as last time; 7 follicles on the right ovary, 4 on the left, so 11-ish in total. However last time I was expecting around 10 eggs with a decent maturity rate, and ended up quite disappointed, so this time I've lowered my expectations dramatically. As long as I get at least 5 mature again I'll be fairly happy. However I should remember that I've known several women to get pregnant on cycles where they only had 3 or 4 eggs, so numbers don't necessarily mean much in the long run. FS also told me that I have a "beautiful" triple-stripe lining (which is meant to mean the lining is good quality), so that's something.

Have to do my trigger injection in exactly two hours. Funnily enough, this will be the first cycle so far that I won't be peeing on a stick the morning after trigger just to see those two lines. I think my extremely early chemical from last cycle has kind of dampened my spirits when it comes to HPTs. In fact, I was thinking about maybe challenging myself this time to stay away from them as long as I can bear to, like until 12DPO or something. Maybe I should make it 13DPO, as that's Valentine's Day and it would be really nice to get my first proper BFP that day (if it's another negative, meh, it's not like I haven't had them before). I know that I probably wouldn't be able to hold out that long, but I might at least give it a go.

This is assuming that I even get to transfer of course. I vowed to myself that I would never take the embryo transfer for granted as a guaranteed part of each cycle, and I'm still not. Part of me is definitely expecting a call on Saturday to say none fertilised.

On another topic, I've been all hypochondriac-y yet again this week, worrying about the lumps in my lower back that I found three weeks ago, and two possibly-enlarged neck lymph nodes that I noticed last weekend. I finally cracked and went to the GP today, who told me the lumps are also probably lymph nodes, which freaked me out as they're quite large/palpable. He said I'm most likely fine, but ordered a full blood count just to make sure, so I'm going to be spending the next few days desperately willing my phone to not ring...

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