Just a quick update, cause I'm very very over this process right now. I was a little disappointed after EPU yesterday to find out we only had 7 eggs. I spent all last night trying to imagine my phone call today, with them telling me good or bad news, and trying to think of the numbers they'd say... e.g. 6 mature, 5 fertilised; 3 mature, none fertilised; all mature, 1 fertilised; and so forth.
The reality? 6 mature (yay!).... and 2 fertilised. Again. Again with only two fricking fertilised. Apparently there were also another 2 that "showed signs of partial fertilisation", but they are not expecting them to progress (however they will continue observing them until that's a sure thing).
So that pretty much cements the fact that there's something wrong with my eggs. I've been having visions all day of Alan and I giving up in a year or two, and putting a desperate plea out for donor embryos, or donor eggs that we can use with bloody donor sperm. Or moving to another country to adopt. I know logically we're a long way off that just yet, and logically I know that one of these two zygotes could pull through for us. But I can't help but think of the worst case scenario, cause that's just me!
This whole thing is so unfair. We just want a child dammit, why should it be so difficult???
I will probably call the lab for an update on Monday, if I haven't had a 'bad news' phone call from them before then. Until then, I shall try to ignore the fact that in a month and a half I will probably once again be sticking needles into my belly, and wondering if this will ever be worth it...
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