Friday 13 July 2012

Here we go again

On Thursday I had a brief Skype appointment with my FS. It was very short, less than ten minutes, but it was basically to get her post-mortem of our May/June cycle, and find out what she wants to change for the Aug/Sept cycle. Here's what she had to say:

- She was devestated with our cycle results too. She said she finds it so frustrating when there are no fertility problems on the female side and it all comes down to MFI (insinuating that there's not much you can do differently each time in such a case).

- She reaffirmed what the embryologist said, that our massive failure was because of the terrible sperm quality; the embryologist simply chose six sperm that were "vaguely twitching", so by the sounds of things they weren't even properly motile. :(

- Two of my eggs were mature, four were slightly less mature, but she did describe them as "six beautiful eggs", so at least I can assume my egg quality is okay.

- She wants to continue with Down Reg protocol as she feels that it gives the best results. Which means I will need to be in Perth for around three weeks probably, maybe a little longer.

- She wants to increase my Gonal-F daily dosage from 125 to 225! Hello, full-abdomen feeling... I will be a lot more paranoid about the possibility of OHSS this time around.

- Last time we used one straw of July 2006 semen sample, this time we will use two straws of Aug 2006. The quality might be better or worse or the same, but at least with two straws we might have more to choose from.

- Once I get my period (which there is absolutely no sign of right now, so I am really annoyed about that!), I'm to call the clinic to confirm my start date (CD 21), then we're on our way.

I always feel more positive after talking to FS, she seems to give off a vibe that makes you feel that success is just around the corner.
 I really hope this time will be ours, but I know that it can take a few attempts. Alan is trying to make me be more positive because he feels it increases our chances. I'm not sure I believe that, but whatever. Personally, I think I will choose whether to be positive or not when I hear the fertilisation rates. Until then, I will be completely calm and neutral and just go through the motions.

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