Tuesday 8 January 2013

Back on the train

After an horrific health scare that has plagued me for about a month now, culminating in a colonoscopy this morning that miraculously came back clear, I am incredibly happy and relieved to say that ICSI #4 is now a go. I have no idea what was causing my rather frightening symptoms over the last few weeks, but the absence of any polyps or inflammation in my colorectal region suggests that, hopefully, the 2 litres of nasty prep drink that I had to swill last night cleared up whatever was causing the blockage. Hopefully. I will have to wait and see to make sure my issues are definitely resolved.

Anyway, I felt confident enough to call up the fertility clinic today to book an appointment next week for collecting my drugs and signing the consent forms. I also mentioned the donor sperm thing, so she organised for us to come and collect the profiles this afternoon so we can choose one before next week, and we just got home from doing this. It looks like the donor profiles are all the same guys as last time, which Alan's not too happy about since he wasn't really a fan of any of them. But we'll just have to make do with what's available.

Also, until mid-Feb, the clinic are massively reducing their rates for all patients to make up for the fact that we won't have yet met the Medicare safety net for the calendar year, so our upfront cycle fee is about $3000 less than it would normally be. For financial reasons alone it would be fabulous to get our baby from this cycle!

So I'm getting my drugs on Tuesday, period is due anytime from mid-late next week, and then it'll be back to the same old same old. I'm definitely sticking to my resolution of being a lot more blasé, or perhaps neutral is a better word, towards this cycle. Especially after the health scare; it really made me re-evaluate life's priorities, and I realise now more than ever that there are more important things in life then how much time or money it's going to take to get me pregnant.

I just hope I can remember these words if I get a negative result come mid-February. But that's why I write this blog, to immortalise my thoughts and feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I just wanted to post a little something. I read through your post and reflected on the comment regarding life's priorities. I know you guys are going through a lot but I don't want you to forget to live your lives. Your lives are not defined by having children. I hope you live in the moment and enjoy it rather than mourn those moments that haven't happened.
    Anyway, I hope this year brings you happiness. x
