Thursday 11 October 2012

Ready.. Set...

We went to our final counselling session and clinic appointment on Wednesday afternoon, and although Alan still hadn't told me 100% what his final word was regarding anon vs. known donor, I discovered his answer when he was talking to the psychologist. Which was to proceed as planned, thankfully. We went ahead with our number 1 choice, and at our clinic appointment we reserved one straw of this particular donor's sperm for our potential use next cycle. The donor in question is, as I mentioned last time, American, but his parents are from Yugoslavia. He has dark hair and dark eyes like Alan and his brother, so the colouring is right. And he just generally sounds like a nice guy; late 20's, married but no children yet, works as an analyst, and believes in family and working hard for a secure future. We were able to keep whatever profiles we wanted, so we kept the top 3 we'd selected just for future reference. If we end up having to use this donor and are successful, wayyyy in the future we'll be able to show our kid the donor profile for his/her interest, if they so desire.

Anyway, I got all my injections for the first part of my cycle, and they are now taking up an entire shelf in the door of our fridge! We also paid the cycle fee; unfortunately this clinic requires you to pay it before you start, so we are skint now, as we won't get the rebate til after EPU! Which is scary, because due to Alan also undergoing procedures this time, we will have to fork out a lot of money on EPU day too, and we're not even sure if we're going to have enough in the bank to cover it yet. But I'm sure we'll find an out if we need it...

All the consent forms got signed too, so now it's just waiting for AF to show! Unfortunately it may take a while; I have a feeling that I only just ovulated early this week, which will mean that this could be my longest ever cycle in memory. Typical! I'm due this weekend but I could be waiting nearly a couple more weeks. The nurse did confirm on Wednesday that the Laparoscopy could definitely have interfered with my natural cycle. All good though, I'm just really, really excited and nervous about this brand new plan of attack, so I'm keen to get going. Next update will probably be after I've started, unless anything new crops up. :)

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