Friday 1 June 2012

EPU done and dusted

Had my trigger on Wednesday night, and as it's basically just pure pregnancy hormone, I couldn't resist doing an HPT yesterday morning! It was awesome seeing two lines come up straight away... even if it was just from the meds. Let's hope that in a couple of weeks I get to see those two lines for real. I would be praying if I wasn't an atheist, so all I can do is hope with all my heart..

Anyway, went for my EPU this morning. The nurses and staff in the day procedures ward were all so lovely! Just after I was wheeled into the holding area beforehand, I got to meet my anaesthetic technician (I met the anaesthetist beforehand on the ward), the doctor doing my procedure (who I'd never heard of, but she was a lovely middle-aged Indian (I think??) lady), and the embryologist (a sweet young-looking Asian girl). They were so sooo nice! The embryologist went through my details with me, and explained that her colleague would call me tomorrow to let me know fertilisation rates, and inform me whether we'd likely make it to embryo transfer (ET) on Monday. At one stage she asked me, "so we're just putting back one [embryo]?", and I said yes, but I immediately wondered if I should have asked for two! Hehe. However, she was probably just clarifying what my fertility specialist had written on my paperwork, rather than offering me a choice.

The anaesthetist came and knocked me out after that, and when I came to, all I can remember is a male nurse/assistant/whatever asking me how I felt and if there was any pain. I vaguely recollect telling him I had some pain, and it was mostly rectal! Lol. I found out later after reading my post-op paperwork that they had given me pain relief as a rectal suppository while I was still out, so that may have explained it. Once they wheeled me back to the ward where Alan was waiting in my little curtained-off area, the pain started to come on really badly, but even though there was quite a bit in my abdomen, the most excruciating was in my right kidney-ish area. I made sure I told a couple of the nurses, but they didn't seem concerned, yet when I said I was about a seven on the pain scale, they brought me a pain pill with my sandwiches and tub of fruit. They also gave me water and tea, which I sorely needed after nearly twelve hours since my last mouthful of water! The pain escalated as I ate my lunch, so much that I had to keep stopping eating as I whimpered through waves of it, but after about fifteen minutes the painkiller kicked in and I started feeling really good, but very very sleepy. Alan then left as he had to file some fairly urgent paperwork at the Family Court before he leaves for Brisbane tomorrow, so I was left alone (apart from sporadic BP checks from nurses) as I dozed in and out.

Eventually the FN (fertility nurse) came to see me, and told me that they got six eggies out of me!! I was stoked, even though I was hoping for 8 - 10, because after my scan the other day, I was so scared I would only have three or so. However, she didn't specify whether all the eggs were mature (she probably wasn't even given that info yet), so fingers crossed. So now I'm playing the waiting game til tomorrow, hoping and "praying" that a decent number fertilise overnight, and that they grow and progress into little potential bubbas...

Alan took forever to get back to the hospital due to the longest wait ever at the courts; even the staff were saying it is never that bad! While I was waiting I kept dozing, and went to the loo a couple of times... I freaked out the first time because (TMI!) there was lots of blood when I wiped, and my instinctive thought was, "oh no, my period has come already!" Idiot. I should have brought liners, but for some stupid reason I never anticipated there would be bleeding.. don't mind the fact I've just had needles shoved through my vaginal walls! *rolls eyes* Anyway, I eventually woke up properly, and the nurse finally phoned Alan who said he was on his way. He rocked up ages later, and after one final pee from me, they discharged me. I was starving again and poor hubby hadn't eaten since 6am, so we got Subway on the way home. I was fully intending on then resting on the couch, but aside from quite a bit of abdominal tenderness, I actually feel quite normal, so I've just been on the computer for the last three or so hours! I may relax later and watch a movie though.. with Japanese take-out perhaps, woo! 

If anyone is reading this before tomorrow, Sat 1st June, please send me your luckiest vibes for my phone call tomorrow. I will be busy in the middle of the day taking Alan to the airport, so hopefully that will distract me a little if I haven't already heard from the clinic by then.

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