Wednesday 30 May 2012

Full steam ahead!

Today was ultrasound and blood test day, and it was a huge success. I went to my ultrasound first, and could finally see what was going on with my ovaries. There appeared to be a lot of decent-sized follicles, but there may actually be less than what it looked like. The US tech measured everything that was over 8mm, and according to her I had "at least three that were over 17mm", which meant that I "met the criteria" to go ahead with my EPU on Friday. But she did say that they may decide to wait until Monday to give the smaller follicles a chance to grow. I was just relieved she didn't say anything about Saturday like I feared! So they don't do EPUs on Saturday, question resolved without even asking.

I then headed to the clinic for my BT, and to ask for more Gonal-F since I only had one dose left. I told the nurse what the US tech had said, so she looked at my stats which had already been entered into the system... I tried to look at her screen, and all I saw was: "1x20, 1x18, 1x12, *something*x8". So according to that, I only had two follicles measuring over 17, and I'm pretty sure the *something* was only "1" too, but I'm positive that the tech measured more than four follies! Oh well. Anyway, she agreed that I might be having EPU on Friday or failing that Monday, so she went to go and get me the trigger meds. When she came back, she said that the other nurses she was talking to agreed that I might be going in on Friday, then she demonstrated how to prepare the trigger injection and gave me my hospital admission form to take down to private reception.

When I called for my results this afternoon, apparently my E2 was 3509, and I was told to go ahead with my trigger injection tonight at 9pm exactly.. which is half an hour from now. The trigger stimulates the final maturation of the eggs so they are all ready to go for collection. On Friday I need to be at the hospital at 6:45am, and my procedure will be at 8:45. I am nervous and excited... My next big concern is how many viable eggs they can get from me (my specialist said she will not continue the cycle for only a small number of eggs), and whether my husband's frozen sperm from six years ago defrosts okay. Once I stop worrying about that, then I can stress about fertilisation rates.. it's never ending, really!

On the positive side: no more jabbing after my trigger tonight! Woo! But then I have rectal progesterone pessaries to look forward to. Ew.

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