Tuesday 8 May 2012

Straight into it..

My last post was two weeks before the wedding I think, and it's now three and a half weeks after the fact. It actually feels like at least a couple of months ago! Everything went perfectly, apart from me suffering stupid jitters at the reception which prevented me from eating or drinking. Ludicrous. But we have had so many positive comments, which is very heartening. It was all worth it in the end, and I can't wait to see some more photos; I haven't got my hands on much yet.

Anyway, we got back from our honeymoon at around 12:30am yesterday, and today, due to very fortunate circumstances, I have started my first cycle of ICSI. On Friday when we were still in the UK, I checked on my calendar to see what CD (cycle day) I was up to, and to see when CD 21 would be. My jaw dropped when I realised CD 21, the day I'm to start my drug regime, was the following Tuesday. I emailed the clinic asking if I could start with such short notice, but they didn't reply, so yesterday I called them and asked again, and after reviewing my file told me I could come in for bloods and to collect my first drug, Lucrin. FYI, Lucrin "suppresses the release of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. This prevents spontaneous ovulation (ie release of the ripe eggs from the ovary) before ovum pick-up (OPU)." Anyway, when I went to my appointment today I was told that I may not be able to start at this time, as my cycles have been shorter and I may have needed to come in a couple of days ago. However my blood results showed the right progesterone levels, so I was given the go-ahead and gave myself my first ever injection this afternoon.

It was totally not scary, I wasn't nervous at all about the needle itself, but a little nervous about whether I was doing it the way the nurse instructed. There was no pain apart from the initial tiny pinprick, but after I'd finished it was intensely itchy and very red and there was even a small welt, which I was warned could happen. It itched for quite a while afterwards, but all cleared up now. I hope all my other drugs are this easy to administer.... I know the pessaries after my embryo transfer will be a challenge, mentally at least. I believe they are inserted rectally. Just... ew.

So there we go. If I'm successful this cycle (i.e. I respond well to the drugs, have a decent number of viable eggs collected, my husband's sperm defrosts okay, some eggs fertilise, I end up with at least one healthy 3-day-old embryo, it implants and sticks, and I don't miscarry), I will be having a late February baby. I know I shouldn't be getting my hopes up, but it's exciting and nice to have something to be positive about; I'm actually doing something now rather than just constant waiting.

Now to sit back and see if Lucrin gives me any of the possible side effects: mood swings, headaches and maybe even hot flushes. Yay!

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